Monday, September 21, 2009

Alec: The Shining Houses: Marxist Criticism

Who is the greater victim in this story, Mrs. Fullerton or Mary?
The Shining Houses is unique because it offers an interesting look at the human side of the dominant class in the form of the character Mary. While she feels compassion for Mrs. Fullerton, Mary has some resentment of her due to her upbringing and existence in the upper class. Mary disagrees with the way her neighbors are dealing with Mrs. Fullerton, but keeps this disagreement largely private. I believe Mrs. Fullerton is the greater victim in this story. From the start her living conditions are worse. Her house is in disrepair, she is a widow, and she is rather miserable. Her position is worsened when her neighbors plot against her to have her house destroyed to build a lane so that they don’t have to look at her property. Mrs. Fullerton obviously is a greater victim than Mary, she is alienated and the life she is living is being threatened by the upper class.

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